Survivor: Edge of Extinction Episode 7 Merge Recap


No “Previously on, Survivor” with the episode jumping straight to the challenge, which ends up being the merge and return of the Extinction Island inhabitants. POS IS TRADITION, GUYS! These guys aren’t wasting precious TV time for a recap! The biggest editing gripe I had was the ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ (and I did) scene with Wendy and Keith leaving on a boat. I didn’t even realise they had gone until Tribal Council! Rewind back, they did raise the white flag on EI…

They sure did…


The Edge of Extinction has blurred many things for us Survivor fans, from boot order (making drafts and sweeps difficult to follow), to what a “quitter” is anymore. If you’ve been voted out and choose not to go to Extinction Island, is that a quit? If you DO choose to go to EI, but raise the white flag is that a quit? In my opinion, yes to all the above. ANY option to stay or re-enter the game is still a part of Survivor, so not choosing to go to EI is already a disappointing quit to me. No one has decided this yet, thank God! A lot of people have said Wendy and Keith didn’t quit as Jeff casually gave them the option… But if they want to leave they have to raise that flag. Flag raising = quit! Not saying quitters are bad at all (but also, shame on you), I just think it’s an interesting discussion.


The fight in this woman. “Let’s fucking do it!” NUFF SAID.



Kudos to the Kama 6 for voting together to out Joe. They saw the cracks in the old Manu tribe, between David and Devens (this is a thing now?) and Wentworth, Lauren and Wardog, taking advantage of the situation. But can they pull Aurora back in? She now becomes a swing and I’m thinking she may flip to the other side. I’d like to also like to make a special mention for Julie who won the first individual immunity. Applied for Survivor for 18 years and look how far you’ve come, baby!!

BFFs, 18 years in the making!


Who knew that a first boot could ever become a Jury member?! Reem, Chris and Aubry have been given an amazing opportunity to not only re-enter the game post-merge, but to also join the Jury this early on! This is incredible, and also confusing! If they get back into the game, are they still on the Jury or do they go home? And for people like Reem, who let’s be honest won’t make it back in, gets the (almost) full Survivor experience. I can’t say I’d like to see this type of format every season, once off is enough!


Seattle Dreamteam πŸ˜›

If you’ve been watching Survivor, follow the socials and don’t know Dale Wentworth then you’ve been living under a rock! One of my fave guests on the blog Dale, Kelley’s dad and San Juan Del Sur contestant, joins me for a quick recap of the episode.

LYNDZ: How have u been? How’s life on the farm?
DALE: I’ve been doing great. Skiing a lot, riding bikes, traveling a little. Just enjoying every day. Farm life is the best, especially when you are retired!! All the peace and quiet with no stress.

LYNDZ: As a fellow Survivor fan and proud dad, how over the moon are you seeing Kelley play for a THIRD time? What was your initial reaction and did you give any advice?
DALE: I was blown away when she was asked back for a third chance to play. This time was different from her Second Chance season, I was not near as worried as they have improved the conditions a little from Cambodia… I mean, how many outfits did you bring Kelley? This is Survivor, not an AIR BNB. I cant give her advice, I need to listen to her more I think.

LYNDZ: So far Kelley hasn’t had much luck being on a winning tribe, do u think her luck will turn around now they’ve merged?
DALE: Kelley’s tribe reminds me of my tribe on San Juan del Sur, we could not win in a one man race. The two tribes were no where close to being even in challenge ability. Kelley’s comment about three girls and Wardog was correct, except after watching him throw, she was on an ALL GIRL tribe!

LYNDZ: How much did you cheer when she found that hidden idol? πŸ˜‰
DALE: Not much, I expected it. LMAO… happy as hell.

Wentworth; does not count!

LYNDZ: David is trying very hard to get Kelley out of the game, in your opinion should returnees stick together?
DALE: In this season no, because you are outnumbered right away. The only way to get numbers is target David and build from there. Kelley knows Davids social game is strong and the longer he is around the stronger alliances he makes.

LYNDZ: Is there anyone else on the cast who has caught your eye and impressed you?
DALE: Julia, Lauren. Both of them look real strong in the individual challenge.

LYNDZ: What are your thoughts on Extinction Island now that we’ve seen how it works? And do you like how the remaining castaways get to sit in as Jury (see first boot Reem!)?
DALE: It SUCKS!!! Everyone gets a spot on the Jury so Reem gets to vote on people who she has never met, depending on the F3. And on top of that, she has a chance of getting back in the game and winning without ever playing the whole game… IT SUCKS! Imagine being out there for 30+ days playing every single day in a challenge, then a person walks in and wins 1/2 and ends up on the F3.

What Dale thinks of EOE.

LYNDZ: What are your thoughts on anyone who leaves Extinction Island – is that “quitting Survivor” even if you’re not technically in the game?
DALE: If you raise the flag… you are a QUITTER!!!

LYNDZ: Joey Amazing was voted out this week, I know you are far from #TeamJoe, but was it the right move?
DALE: Any time you can vote Joe out you should. He is not a bonus unless it is winning a tribe challenge.

Final 5:

LYNDZ: Is Wardog annoying – yay or nay? 

LYNDZ: Would you like seeing Wendy have a Second Chance?

LYNDZ: On a scale of hell no to hell yeah, what’s the likelihood of Reem returning to the game?
DALE: What the Hell?

LYNDZ: Who do you ‘think’ makes Final 3?
DALE: Kelley, Julia, Joe, Chris…

LYNDZ: Just checking… who do you ‘want’ to win? πŸ˜›
DALE: Really? Do you even have to ask that question? Should I go out on a limb and pick Warpuppy?



Hi, I'm Lyndz! Survivor nerd since 2000. I finally decided to create a blog dedicated to Survivor, The Amazing Race, and other reality TV shows that tickle my fancy. From Adelaide, Australia. Accountant by day, social media by night. On my travels I've met several Aussie and US reality TV contestants from shows including Survivor (US/AU/NZ), The Amazing Race, Naked & Afraid, Big Brother and MasterChef; gaining much insight into the crazy world of Reality TV. :)